Monday, June 29, 2009

Smoked Haddock Chowder

3 leeks , sliced
1 onion , sliced
3 medium potatoes , diced
400ml milk
vegetable stock , fresh, cubes or concentrate, made up to 400ml
500g skinless smoked haddock fillet, cut into bite-sized pieces
200g cooked, peeled prawns
1 small bunch parsley

Cook the leek and onion in a large pot with a knob of butter for about 5 minutes until they start to soften. Add the potatoes, milk and vegetable stock. Bring to the boil then reduce to a simmer, cover and cook gently for about 10-15 minutes or until the potatoes are tender.
Drop in the haddock and prawns and simmer for a further 2-3 minutes to cook the haddock and heat the prawns. Season, add the chopped parsley, and serve in deep bowls with crusty bread.

You can make the base of this soup in advance. Take it with you, add the haddock and prawns and reheat.
Per serving
205 kcalories, protein 28.3g, carbohydrate 15.3g, fat 3.8 g, saturated fat 1.7g, fibre 2.4g, salt 3.29 g, roughly chopped
from BBC Good Food

Fish Chowder

Hearty Fish Chowder

  • 1/2 cup chopped onion
  • 2 medium carrots, cut in small dice
  • 1 rib celery, thinly sliced
  • 2 tablespoons butter, divided
  • 1 pound frozen haddock fillets
  • 2 medium potatoes, peeled and diced
  • 1 bay leaf (I added an extra half leaf)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon dried leaf thyme crumbled (I used quite a bit more)
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper (way, way more pepper)
  • 1 cup dry white wine or water
  • 2 cups milk
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley or 1 teaspoon dried parsley flakes

In a large saucepan over medium heat, melt 1 tablespoon butter; add onions, carrots and celery, stirring and cooking until onion is tender. Add fish, potatoes, bay leaf, salt, thyme, pepper, and wine or water. Cover and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, until fish is cooked. Break fish into chunks. Add milk and remaining 1 tablespoon butter; heat through. Discard bay leaf, sprinkle with parsley and serve.
Fish chowder recipe serves 4


Saturday, June 06, 2009

Nasi Kuning

Tumpeng Kuning

Nasi Kuning

Sumber: Tabloid Nova

2 ltr beras
200 gr beras ketan
1500 ml santan
5 cm kunyit, kupas parut
4 lbr daun salam
4 btg serai, memarkan
1 sdm garam
2 sdt air jeruk nipis

Cara membuat:
1. Cuci beras dan ketan, rendam dengan perasan air kunyit yang sudah ditambah air. Air rendaman sebaiknya 1 ruas jari di atas permukaan beras. Rendam selama 20 menit, tiriskan.
2. Didihkan air dalam dandang, kukus beras dan ketan kuning sampai setengah matang.
3. Rebus santan bersama daun salam, serai, dan garam, matikan api. Beri perasan air jeruk nipis, aduk rata, masukkan beras dan ketan kukus. Aduk rata dan santan terserap.
4. Kukus beras aron ke dalam dandang, masak sampai matang selama 40 menit.

sumber: tabloid nova

Nasi Uduk


  • 400 gram beras
  • 625 cc santan dari ½ butir kelapa
  • ½ sdt ketumbar bubuk
  • ½ batang serai, dimemarkan
  • 1 lembar daun salam
  • 1 lembar daun pandan
  • garam secukupnya

Cara membuat:

  • Kukus beras sampai setengah matang, angkat dan sisihkan.
  • Sementara itu rebus santan, ketumbar, serai, daun salam, pandan dan garam di dalam panci sampai mendidih. Kemudian masukkan beras yang sudah dikukus. Aduk-aduk di atas api kecil sehingga seluruh cairan terhisap oleh beras. Setelah itu kukus lagi sampai matang. Angkat.
  • Cara menghidangkan: Taruh nasi dalam piring, taburkan bahan pelengkap di atasnya. Dimakan dengan sambal kimiri.

Untuk 6 orang .


Sambel Kemiri

Sambal Kimiri:

Gerus dan campur jadi satu sampai halus:

  • 25 gram kacang goreng
  • 5 butir kemiri goreng
  • 5 cabe rawit, diseduh air panas
  • 2 cabe merah, diseduh air panas
  • ½ sdt garam
  • 1 sdt cuka
  • 2 sdt gula pasir
  • 50 cc air panas

perkedel jagung

▪400 gr jagung manis dipipil
▪1 btr telur ayam
▪150 gr tepung beras
▪4 sdm tepung terigu
▪1 sdt garam
▪1/2 sdt ketumbar halus
▪1/2 sdt merica
▪125 ml air hangat

Bahan tumbuk kasar
▪10 btr bawang merah
▪4 btr bawang putih

Bahan di iris halus
▪2 btg daun bawang iris halus
▪4 lbr daun jeruk iris halus, buang tulang tentu saja

Cara membuat
■campur jagung - telur ayam - bahan tumbuk kasar - bahan iris halus - ketumbar - garam - merica aduk rata sisihkan
■larutkan tepung beras - tepung terigu dan air jadi satu
■tuang adonan jagung ke adonan tepung aduk rata lagi

■panaskan minyak, goreng adonan perkedel se sendok demi se sendok sampai coklat kekuningan.