I keep saying that I want to explore international culinaries in my kitchen, but then once again it ends up with Indonesian Traditional food recipes. Maybe it because when I was in Indonesia I didn't have enough knowledge about cooking and Indonesian food so at this time it's just like a revenge :P
I just tried it yesterday and the result is soooo yummy! The taste of grilled chicken with spicy coconut sauce is soooo perfect! So another new fave dish :P
1 free range chicken, about 1 kg
2 tbsp salt
500ml thick coconut milk (about 80%)
4 chillies,sliced (optional)
3 cm galangal,crushed
3 lemongrass, crushed
3 lime leaves
2 bay leaves
10 shallots
10 garlic
5 cm turmeric
4 cm ginger2 cm Kaempferia galanga (kencur)
2 bird eyes chillies
2 tsp salt
1 tbsp black pepper
1 tbsp coriander
1 tsp cumin
- Butterfly the chicken and rub it with salt
- Grill the chicken about 5 minutes for each side.
- Grind the shallots, garlic, turmeric,ginger,kencur,salt and chillies until smooth.
- In a wok or skillet, heat oil in a medium saucepan over a medium heat, add galangal,lemongrass,lime leaves and bay leaves,stir fry the leaves until fragrant.
- Add the spice paste to the wok,stir fry until fragrant.
- Divide the coconut milk in two jars each 250ml. Add 250ml water to one part of coconut milk, stir it to become a thin coconut milk. Pour the think coconut milk to the wok.
- Add the chicken, when the coconut milk is boiled,reduced the heat to low heat.
- Add the thick coconut milk to the wok. Cook the chicken until the sauce is reduced about half of it.
- Serve with the rice.
Bahasa Indonesia:
1 ekor ayam kampung
1 butir kelapa, kupas, parut, ambil 250 ml santan kental dan 500 ml santan encer
10 butir bawang merah
10 siung bawang putih
3 (5 cm)ruas jari kunyit
2 (4 cm) ruas jari jahe
1 (2 cm) ruas jari kencur
2 cabai merah keriting, rebus
2 sdt garam
Bumbu Kasar:
1 sdm merica butiran, tumbuk kasar
1 sdm ketumbar, tumbuk kasar
1 sdt jintan
100 g cabai rawit
1 jempol (3 cm) lengkuas, iris kasar
3 batang serai, memarkan
3 lembar daun jeruk purut
2 lembar daun salam
Cara membuat:
- Belah ayam dari bagian dada depan ke bawah, lalu bentangkan ayam hingga terbuka lebar.
- Lumuri garam dan bakar di atas bara api hinggasetengah matang.
- Tumis bumbu kasar hingga wangi.
- Masukkan bumbu halus, aduk hingga wangi dan matang.
- Tambahkan santan encer ke dalam tumisan. Didihkan.
- Masukkan ayam bakar ke dalam wajan, tambahkan serai, daun salam, dan daun jeruk purut.
- Teruskan memasak dengan api kecil sampai mendidih.
- Tambahkan santan kental. Teruskan memasak dengan api kecil sampai kuahnya menjadi sangat kental (dalam bahasa Jawa disebut: mblondho).
- Sebaiknya masakan ini disimpan semalam, dan dipanaskan kembali keesokan hari untuk disantap dengan nasi gurih (nasi uduk) dan urap sayur.