Sunday, October 23, 2011

Egg Noodles

The truth is my daughter doesn't like my food. Not at all... unless i bake a bread. It's my fault because when she's baby I gave her Heinz products instead of home made food. So,it's all my fault and i'm keep on praying that one day she want to eat some of my food.
Kirana is big fan of noodle, so i try to make home made noodle for her. Keep trying,Mom!

300 gr strong flour
3 eggs
1 tbsp vegetable oil
a pinch of salt


  1. In the table, combine the flour and salt and make a well in the centre.
  2. Add the eggs and oil and gradually work in with a spoon until a dough forms. 
  3. Tip the dough out onto the bench and chop together, then knead for 5-10 minutes until the dough is smooth. 
  4. Cover with cling wrap and rest for 30 minutes.
  5. Roll the dough out with a rolling pin and book fold. 
  6. Pass the dough through the pasta machine, gradually increasing the gauge until you get to 3.
  7. Book fold the dough again, and again pass through the machine. 
  8. Repeat this process until the dough is smooth and has lost its rough edges.
  9. Roll the pasta through the 6th setting, then through the fine noodle cutter. Hang to dry.
  10. Blanch the noodles in plenty of boiling salted water until al dente. Drain well and set aside. 
modified from

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Soto Betawi

I was asking my friend to buy a beef intestine so i can make the Gulai Tambuksu. Instead she bought me the beef tripe. So i just make this soup instead of gulai (Indonesian curry).
The english version is a modified from the recipe in Bahasa Indonesia as I only use the ingredients that i have in the kitchen.

500gr beef
250 gr washed and cleaned tripe
2 bay leaves
2lt water
2 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp cinnamon
4 lemon leaves
2 tsp salt
1 tbsp oil
400ml coconut milk

4 cm ginger
8 shallot
3 garlic
1 tsp roasted coriander seed
1/2 tsp roasted black pepper
1/4 tsp roasted cumin


  1. Boil the tripe with bay leaves in 500ml water  about 20 minutes. Discard the water and the bay leaves.
  2. Add the beef  and 2000ml water, cook until the water is boiling, add nutmeg, cinnamon, lime leaves and salt. Cook until the beef is tender.
  3. Remove the beef and tripe from the stock, diced the beef and tripe about 2cm x 2 cm size.
  4. Put beef and tripe back to the stock.
  5. In a wok, heat oil in a medium saucepan over a medium heat, add the spice paste. Stir fry until fragrant.
  6. Add the coconut milk to the wok and cook until it's boiled.
  7. Pour the coconut mixture to the beef stock, stir and cook until it's boiling.
  8. Serve with fresh sliced tomatoes, sliced fresh spring onion and fried onion.
  9. Add chili sauce, Kecap manis and lime if you like.
Bahasa Indonesia
300 gr daging 
300 gr jeroan sapi

2000 ml air untuk merebus 
1/2 biji pala 
3 butir cengkeh 
5 cm kayu manis 
4 lembar daun jeruk 
2 sdt garam 
1 sdm minyak goreng, untuk menumis 
250 ml santan, dari 1/2 butir kelapa 

Bumbu halus : 4 cm jahe 
8 butir bawang merah 
3 siung bawang putih 
1 sdt ketumbar sangrai 
1/2 sdt merica 
1/8 sdt jintan sangrai 

Pelengkap : 
250 gr tomat, potong-potong 
3 batang daun bawang, iris halus 
3 batang seledri, iris halus 
3 sdt bawang goreng 
kecap manis, air jeruk limau, emping goreng, dan sambal rawit. 

Cara membuat:

  1. Rebus daging (dan jeroan) hingga mendidih, tambahkan pala, cengkeh, kayu manis, daun jeruk, dan garam. Masak terus sampai daging (dan jeroan) lunak, angkat. 
  2. Angkat daging (dan jeroan) dari kaldu. 
  3. Ukur kaldu sebanyak 1500 ml. Bila kurang, tambahkan air panas. Potong-potong daging dan jeroan 2x2 cm, masukkan kembali ke dalam kaldu. Jerangkan di atas api. 
  4. Panaskan minyak goreng dalam wajan, tumis bumbu halus hingga harum, masukkan santan, aduk, angkat. 
  5. Masukkan santan berbumbu ke dalam panci kaldu. Timba-timba hingga mendidih dan matang. Angkat. 
  6. Penyajian: Siapkan mangkuk saji, masukkan daging (dan jeroan). Tambahkan tomat iris, daun bawang, seledri, dan bawang goreng. 
  7. Bubuhkan kecap manis dan air jeruk sesuai selera. Hidangkan dengan emping goreng dan sambal cabe rawit. 

sumber: Mbak Vania

Ayam Lodho (Twice Cooked Chicken with reduced coconut sauce)

I keep saying that I want to explore international culinaries in my kitchen, but then once again it ends up with Indonesian Traditional food recipes. Maybe it because when I was in Indonesia I didn't have enough knowledge about cooking and Indonesian food so at this time it's just like a revenge :P

I just tried it yesterday and the result is soooo yummy! The taste of grilled chicken with spicy coconut sauce is soooo perfect! So another new fave dish :P


1 free range chicken, about 1 kg
2 tbsp salt

500ml thick coconut milk (about 80%)

4 chillies,sliced (optional)
3 cm galangal,crushed
3 lemongrass, crushed
3 lime leaves
2 bay leaves

10 shallots
10 garlic
5 cm turmeric
4 cm ginger
2 cm Kaempferia galanga (kencur)

2 bird eyes chillies
2 tsp salt

1 tbsp black pepper
1 tbsp coriander
1 tsp cumin


  1. Butterfly the chicken and rub it with salt
  2. Grill the chicken about 5 minutes for each side.
  3. Grind the shallots, garlic, turmeric,ginger,kencur,salt and chillies until smooth.
  4. In a wok or skillet, heat oil in a medium saucepan over a medium heat, add galangal,lemongrass,lime leaves and bay leaves,stir fry the leaves until fragrant. 
  5. Add the spice paste to the wok,stir fry until fragrant.
  6. Divide the coconut milk in two jars each 250ml. Add 250ml water to one part of coconut milk, stir it to become a thin coconut milk. Pour the think coconut milk to the wok.
  7. Add the chicken, when the coconut milk is boiled,reduced the heat to low heat.
  8. Add the thick coconut milk to the wok. Cook the chicken until the sauce is reduced about half of it.
  9. Serve with the rice.

Bahasa Indonesia:

1 ekor ayam kampung
1 butir kelapa, kupas, parut, ambil 250 ml santan kental dan 500 ml santan encer 
10 butir bawang merah
10 siung bawang putih
3 (5 cm)ruas jari kunyit
2 (4 cm) ruas jari jahe
1 (2 cm) ruas jari kencur
2 cabai merah keriting, rebus
2 sdt garam
Bumbu Kasar:
1 sdm merica butiran, tumbuk kasar
1 sdm ketumbar, tumbuk kasar
1 sdt jintan
100 g cabai rawit
1 jempol (3 cm) lengkuas, iris kasar
3 batang serai, memarkan
3 lembar daun jeruk purut
2 lembar daun salam

Cara membuat:

  • Belah ayam dari bagian dada depan ke bawah, lalu bentangkan ayam hingga terbuka lebar.
  • Lumuri garam dan bakar di atas bara api hinggasetengah matang.
  • Tumis bumbu kasar hingga wangi.
  • Masukkan bumbu halus, aduk hingga wangi dan matang.
  • Tambahkan santan encer ke dalam tumisan. Didihkan.
  • Masukkan ayam bakar ke dalam wajan, tambahkan serai, daun salam, dan daun jeruk purut.
  • Teruskan memasak dengan api kecil sampai mendidih.
  • Tambahkan santan kental. Teruskan memasak dengan api kecil sampai kuahnya menjadi sangat kental (dalam bahasa Jawa disebut: mblondho).
  • Sebaiknya masakan ini disimpan semalam, dan dipanaskan kembali keesokan hari untuk disantap dengan nasi gurih (nasi uduk) dan urap sayur.

sumber: Detikfood

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Oyster Sauce

Yesterday, my friend brought me fresh clams and mussels in the night. As they said i need to cook this ASAP so i was thinking what should i do with a big bucket of this yummy creatures? So i just boiled it and eat some of them just like that.... oh, i love fresh seafood!!! Since it's already midnight so i was thinking to cook the clam with this simple sauce.


1 medium onion,sliced
5 garlic,crushed
1/2 tsp black pepper
2 tbs sugar
4 tbs Oyster Sauce
2 spring onions
2 tbs vegetable oil


1. In a wok or skillet, heat oil in a medium saucepan over a medium heat, add garlic and onion,stir fry the paste until fragrant. 
3. Add the rest ingredient's and stir until it's thickened.
4. Add your favorite seafood, add the sauce with fresh sliced spring onion and serve with rice.

Modified from Keluarga Nugraha

Padang Style Sauce

This sauce is so popular in Indonesia to be served with seafood. As most culinary from West Sumatra area, this sauce is spicy. I don't know if it's really coming from Padang area or people just called "Saus Padang" because it's spicy.


3 shallot
2 garlic
5 bird eyes chillies
2 cm ginger

2 tbs Vegetable Oil
4 tbs Oyster Sauce
4 tbs Tomato Ketchup
3 tbs Chillies Sauce
1/2 tsp Black Pepper
1 tsp sugar
100 ml water
Salt to taste.


1. Grind the shallots, garlic, ginger, and chillies until smooth.
2. In a wok or skillet, heat oil in a medium saucepan over a medium heat, add spice paste and stir fry the paste until fragrant. 
3. Add the rest ingredient's and stir until it's thickened.
4. Add your favorite seafood and serve with rice.